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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
C713.4. Golden apple thrown to remind merman's wife not to forget to return to him. Child I 364f.
F813.1.1. Golden apple.
C714. Tabus concerning requests made in otherworld.
C714.1. Only one present to be asked for at home of spirit son-in-law. India: Thompson-Balys.
T111.1. Marriage of a mortal and a god.
C715. Tabu: speaking in otherworld. (Cf. C400.)
F370. Visit to fairyland.
C715.1. Tabu: speaking in fairyland. India: Thompson-Balys.
C715.2. Tabu: making noise on way to other world. Eskimo (Mackenzie Area): Jenness 154.
C716. Tabu: removing hats tohile in otherworld. India: Thompson-Balys.
C720. Tabu: attending toilet needs.
M120. Vows concerning personal appearance.
C721. Tabu: bathing. (Cf. C711.) — Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
C858. Tabu: swimming with certain birds. C891. Tabu: uncleanliness.
C721.1. Tabu: bathing during certain time. *Types 361, 475; BP II 423, 427 (Gr. Nos. 100, 101). — Irish myth: Cross.
C755. Tabu: doing thing during certain time.
C721.2. Tabu: bathing in certain place. Irish myth: Cross.
C721.2.1. Tabu: bathing in clear stream. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 281.
C721.3. Tabu: bathing without straining stream afterwards. Irish myth: Cross.
C722. Tabu: cutting hair. Jewish: *Neuman.
P632.5. Long hair prized by Irish heroes. P672.2. Cutting of a man's hair as an insult.
C722.0.1. Tabu: shaving. Jewish: Neuman.
C722.1. Tabu: cutting hair during certain time. *Fb "hår" I 771b.
C755. Tabu: doing thing during certain time.
C723. Tabu: combing hair.
C723.1. Tabu: combing hair during certain time. *Types 361, 475; BP II 423, 427 (Gr. Nos. 100, 101).
C725. Tabu: attending call of nature at certain time. Africa (Benga): Nassau 132 No. 14.
C725.1. Tabu: use of water after attending call of nature. India: Thompson-Balys.
C726. Tabu: trimming fingernails. Jewish: Neuman; German: Grimm Nos. 100, 101.
C726.1. Tabu: throwing away nail trimmings. Jewish: Neuman; Tahiti: Henry 143.
G303.25.5. Devil's chair in hell made from thrown-away nail parings.