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Bibliography and Abbreviations

Showerman, Grant. The Great Mother of the Gods. Madison (Wisconsin), 1901.

Sieber, J. Märchen und Fabeln der Wute (ZsES XII 53 ff., 162 ff.).
Märchen der Kweli in Kamerun (Mitteilungen des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin, Dritte Abteilung: Afrikanische Studien, XXXV). Berlin, 1932.

Siecke, E. Drachenkampfe. Leipzig, 1907.
Der Vegetationsgott. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1914.

*Siuts, Hans. Jenseitsmotive im deutschen Volksmärchen (Teutonia XIX). Leipzig, 1911.

Skjöldunga saga. See A. Olrik in Aarbøger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie, II Række, IX (1894), 109.

*Smith, E. W. and Dale, A. The Ila-speaking People of Northern Rhodesia, vol. 2. London, 1920.

*Smith, G. Elliott. The Evolution of the Dragon. London, 1919.

Smith, W. Robertson. Lectures on the Religion of the Semites. 3d ed. London, 1927.

Snorra Edda (in A. G. Brodeur, The Prose Edda, New York, 1916).

Solheim Register = Solheim, Svale. Register til Norsk Folkeminnelags skrifter Nr. 1—49 (Norsk Folkeminnelag No. 50). Oslo, 1943.

Sörla saga Sterka (FAS III 408 ff.).

Spargo, John Webster. Virgil the Necromancer. Cambridge (Mass.), 1934.

*Sparnaay, H. Verschmelzung legendarischer und weltlicher Motive in der Poesie des Mittelalters. Groningen, 1922.

*Spence, Lewis. Myths and Legends of Babylonia and Assyria. London, 1916.

*Stanley, H. M. My Dark Companions and their Strange Stories. London, 1893.

Stapleton, W. H. Comparative Handbook of Congo Languages. Yakusa, Stanley Falls, 1903.

*Starck, Taylor. Der Alraun, ein Beitrag zur Pflanzensagenkunde. Baltimore, 1917.

*Steere, E. Swahili Tales as told by the Natives of Zanzibar. London, 1922.

*Stigand, C. H. and Mrs. Black Tales for White Children. London and New York, 1914.

*Stimson, J. F. MS. of Tuamotuan Myths. Unpublished. Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass.

*Sturlaugs saga Starfsama (FAS III 592 ff.).

*Swanton, J. R. Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians (BBAE LXXXVIII [1929]).

*Sydow, C. W. von. Två Spinnsagor. Lund, 1909.
*Sigurds strid med Fåvne (Lund Universitets Årsskrift. n. f. Avd. I, Bd. 14, no. 16). Lund, 1918.

*Talbot, P. A. In the Shadow of the Bush. New York and London, 1912.