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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature

*Tawney, C. H. Kathā Sarit Sāgara, Ocean of the Streams of Story. 2 vols. Calcutta, 1880—84. See also Penzer.

*Tegethoff, Ernst. Studien zum Märchentypus von Amor und Psyche. Bonn und Leipzig, 1922.

Tessman, Gunter. *Ajongs Erzählungen: Marchen der Fangneger. Berlin, 1921.
*Die Pangwe. Berlin, 1912.

Thalbitzer, William. A Phonetic Study of the Eskimo Language. Copenhagen, 1904.

*Theal, G. M. Kaffir Folk-lore. London, 1886.
*The Yellow and Dark-skinned People of Africa South of the Zambesi. London, 1910.

*Thien, J. Uebereinstimmende und verwandte Motive in den deutschen Spielmannsepen im Anschluss an König Rother. Hamburg, 1882.

Thomas, Northcote W. Anthropological Report on the Ibo-Speaking Peoples of Nigeria. 2 vols. London, 1913—14.

☉Thompson-Balys = Thompson, Stith and Balys, Jonas. Motif and Type Index of the Oral Tales of India. Bloomington (Ind.). (In press).

*Thompson, Stith. European Tales among the North American Indians (CColl II). Colorado Springs, 1919.
*Tales of the North American Indians. Cambridge (Mass.), 1929.
The Folktale. New York, 1946.
*The Star-Husband Tale (Studia Septentrionalia IV). Oslo, 1952.

*þiðriks saga (ed. H. Bertelsen). 2 vols. København, 1905—11.

*þorsteinssaga Víkingssonar (FAS II 381 ff.).

*þorsteins þáttr uxafóts (Islendinga þættir).

Thurneysen, Rudolf. Die irische Helden- und Konigsage bis zum siebzehnten Jahrhundert. Halle, 1921.

*Tobler, Otto. Die Epiphanie der Seele in deutscher Volkssage. Kiel, 1911.

*Toldo, Peter. Leben und Wunder der Heiligen im Mittelalter (Studien zur vergleichenden Literaturgeschichte I 320, 345; II 87, 304, 329; IV 49; V 337; VI 289; VIII 18; IX 451).

*Torday, E. On the Trail of the Bushongo. London, 1925.
Notes ethnographiques sur les .... Bakuba. Bruxelles, 1911.

Travélé, Moussa. Proverbs et contes Bambara. Paris, 1923.

Trilles, R. G. Proverbes, légendes et contes fang (Bulletin de la Société Neuchâteloise de Géographie XVI [1905]).

*Tupper, F. and Ogle, M. B. Master Walter Map's Book De Nugis Curialium (Courtiers' Trifles). New York, 1924.

Tuti-Nameh. See Rosen.

*Type = Aarne, A. and Thompson, Stith. The Types of the Folk-Tale (FFC 74). Helsinki, 1928.

UCal = University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology.