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A. Mythological Motifs
A153.3. Banquets of the gods. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 23; India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Werner 137. — So. Am. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 178.
A153.3.1. Moon steals food from banquet of the gods (cf. A153.1.). India: Thompson-Balys.
A153.3.2. Sun, moon and wind dine with their uncle and aunt, thunder and lightning. India: Thompson-Balys.
A153.4. Magic food rejuvenates the gods. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 178.
A191. Goddess rejuvenates self when old. A474.1. Goddess of youth.
A153.5. Food of gods: meat of "cow of plenty". India: Thompson-Balys.
A153.6. Why gods only accept blood. India: Thompson-Balys.
A153.7. God's preference for cooked food. India: Thompson-Balys.
A153.8. Cannibal gods (cf. G11.). India: Thompson-Balys.
A153.9. Gods nourished by air. Hivaoa (Marquesas): Handy 105.
A154. Drink of the gods. Greek: Grote I 43; Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 54, 86, 172, 313; Hindu: Penzer X 243 s. v. "nectar"; Keith 46 and passim; India: *Thompson-Balys; Persian: Carnoy 265; Chinese: Ferguson 130.
D1346.1.2. Nectar of immortality.
A154.1. Magic drink gives immortality to gods (cf. D1040). Irish: Mac Culloch Celtic 31, 54; Hindu: Keith 46.
A191.1. Great age of the gods. D1338.1. Magic drink rejuvenates. D1880. Magic rejuvenation. F167.9. Otherworld people ever young, ever beautiful. F172. No time, no birth, no death in otherworld. F251.5. Fairies as sprites who have been given immortality. F259.1. Mortality (immortality) of fairies.
A154.2. Theft of magic mead by Odin. *O1rik Edda XXIV 236ff. — Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 54.
M234.1. Life spared in return for poetic mead.
A154.3. Gods discover liquor. India: Thompson-Balys.
A154.4. Milk of the gods. India: Thompson-Balys.
A155. Animals of the gods (cf. A136). Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 109, 216.
A155.1. Cattle of the sun. Greek: Fox 137.
A155.2. Horses of the gods (cf. A171.1). Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 216; Snorra Edda Gylf. XV.
A155.3. Birds of the gods (cf. A165.1.1.). Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 36f., 115, 177.
A155.4. Gods keep mosquitoes as pets. India: Thompson-Balys.
A155.5. God's elephant. India: Thompson-Balys.
A155.5.1. God has enormous elephant. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 457.
A155.6. Goddess sleeps on bed of snakes. India: Thompson-Balys.
A155.7. God has his dairies and buffaloes. India: Thompson-Balys.