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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A156. Precious properties of the gods. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 266; Jewish: Neuman.
A156.1. Jewels of the gods. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 120ff., 140ff.; Jewish: Neuman.
A156.2. God's crown. Jewish: Neuman.
A156.3. God's scepters. Jewish: Neuman.
A156.4. God's seal. Jewish: Neuman.
A156.5. Chariot of the gods. Virgil Aeneid X line 635; India: *Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 77, 916.
A157. Weapons of the gods. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 32, 965.
A157.1. Thunderweapon. Stone weapons (axes) brought down by thunderbolt (from Thunder God). — Blinkenberg The Thunder Weapon 1911; Hdwb. d. d. Aberglaubens II 325; Saintyves Corpus du Folklore Prehistorique en France et dans les Colonies Françaises (1934—36) I—III; J. Balys Tautosakos Darbai III 1937 223ff.; Jewish: *Neuman.
A284. God of thunder. A284.2. Thunderbird. A285. God of lightning. A992.2. Sacred place where thunderbolt fell down. Q552.1. Death by thunderbolt as punishment.
A157.1.1. Thunderbolt as gods' weapon. Greek: Fox 159; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 214, 309, II 1060.
A284. God of thunder. A284.2. Thunderbird.
A157.2. God's arrows. Jewish: Neuman.
A157.3. God's spear. Jewish: Neuman.
A157.4. God's shield. Jewish: Neuman.
A157.5. God's sword. Jewish: Neuman.
A157.6. God's bow. Jewish: Neuman.
A157.7. Hammer of thunder god. Gaster Thespis 135, 363.
A158. Clothing of gods. Eskimo: Holm 73; Jewish: Neuman.
A159. Daily life of the gods — miscellaneous.
A159.1. Deity's special drum. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 965.
C916.2. Animals produced when forbidden drum is beaten.
A160. Mutual relations of the gods.
D45.2. Gods exchange forms.
A161. Hierarchy of gods. Persian: Carnoy 260; Irish myth: Cross; Hindu: Müller 142f.; India: Thompson-Balys; Greek: Grote I 3, 9; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 729.
A101. Supreme god. A107. Gods of darkness and of light.
A161.1. Division of control of universe among gods. Greek: Grote I 3, 9.
A161.2. King of the gods. See all references to A101 (Supreme god).
A161.3. Queen of the gods. Greek: Grote I 10; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 13, chap. II passim.