Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/419

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The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.



Our high mission, our noble calling, is to build up souls, to perfect the Christian life, and to make manhood acceptable to God, and radiant in the sight of all men.

Your great employment is to bring the individual souls of men to Christ.

The minister is to be a live man, a real man, a true man, a simple man, great in his love, great in his life, great in his work, great in his simplicity, great in his gentleness.

I do not envy a clergyman's life as an easy life, nor do I envy the clergyman who makes it an easy life.

Be ashamed of nothing but sin.

Methodist Discipline.

A true minister is a man whose manhood itself is a strong and influential argument with his people. He lives in such relations with God, and in such genuine sympathy with man, that it is a pleasure to be under the unconscious influence of such a mind.

It is not the way to convert a sinner to knock him down first and then reason with him.