Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/658

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Prayer for comfort in, 11 e.
Removed, should produce gratitude, 10 h.
Sanctified, 9 b, 10 b-d.
School of virtue, a 8 d.
Shadow of God's wings, 8 b.
Teachings of, 9 e.
Test of character, a, 9 g.
Weans us from the earth, 8 e.
  • Ambition: 11-12.
Effects of, 12 a, b.
Nature of, 11 f, 12 b, c.
  • Amusement: 12-13.
Effect on religion, 12 d, e, 150 d.
Effect in the Sunday-school, 572 f.
Example of, 13 a.
Innocent, 12 f.
Proper in its place, 12 g, 452 c.
Unlawful, 251 c, 383 h.
  • Anger: 13-14.
Folly of, 13 c, e.
How to control it, 14 c.
Nature and evil of, 13 b, d, 14 a.
Unchristian, 14 b, d.
  • Apostasy: 14-15.
Exemplified, 14 e.
"Is it I?" 14 f, 15 a.
  • Asleep in Jesus.See Death of Christians.
  • Aspiration: 15.
Not murmuring, 15 d.
Prayer for God's aid, 15 f.
Unsatisfied desire, 18 e.
  • Assurance: 16-18.
Best, the, 16 e, 17 c.
Full, 18 a.
How to obtain it, 16 d, 17 a, d.
In its absence, practice the faith of adherence, 18 b.
In prayer, 460 c, d.
Its nature and end, 16 a, b, d, 604 g.
Seek to obtain it, 16 c.
Unquestioning, example of, 17 b.
  • Atheism: 18-20.
Benefits no one, 19 a.
Cause of, 19 f, 487 b.
Choose between it and Christianity, 20 a.
Denies man's nobility, 19 c.
Destitution, a, 19 b.
Folly of, 18 c, d.
Gives no comfort in death, 19 e.
Practical, 20 b.
Solitariness of, 19 d.
Source of, 18 e-f.
  • Atonement.See Christ, Saviour.
  • Avarice: 20-21.
Nature and effects, 20 c-f.
Prayer to be kept from, 21 a.
  • Backsliding, cause of, 21 b-d.
  • Baptism: 21-22.
Holy Spirit, of, 22 a.
Sign, a, 21 e.
  • Beatitudes, 33 c.
  • Beauty: 22.
and holiness, 22 c-f.
Defined, 22 b.
  • Belief: 22-23.See also Faith and Trust.
Absence of, 23 d-e.
Comfort of, 23 f.
Defined, 22 g.
Effects of, 23 a.
How to secure it, 22 h, 23 b.
In Christ, 103 d, 154 a, 364c.
Measure of, 23 c.