Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/659

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  • Beneficence: 24-27.
Antidote to worldliness, 24 e-f.
Consecrates wealth, 24 e.
Constant, 26 b.
Duty, a, 25 e, 27 a, 574 d.
Glory of, 24 a, 131 a.
Law of creation, 26 a.
Proper exercise of, 25 a-g.
Reward of, 24 c, 26 c-f, 270 d.
Seasonable, 24 g.
Source of, 47 c, 574 b.
  • Bereavement: 27-28.See also Affliction.
Christ's presence in, 27 b.
Friends gone before, 27 e, 28 a.
Resignation in, 27 c, 28 b.
Sympathy for bereaved, 27 d.
  • Bible: 28-40.
Brings light, 30 b.
Character and claims, 28 c-32 d, 33 d, 35 b-d, 36 c, 37 b, 40 e.
Christ's word, 32 d.
Delight in, 40 h.
Destroys idolatry, 34 c.
Establishes freedom and justice, 34 d, 569 d, 570 a.
Given by Nature's God, 31 b, 35 b.
God's letter of affection, 30 d.
God's word, evidences of, 29 e, 34 e, 35 f.
Holy Spirit its interpreter, 318 c.
How to study it, 38 e, 39 a, 40 a-d, 572 d, 573 a.
How to use it, 37 c, 38 c, 40 g, 365 b.
Interprets nature, 31 a.
Literary worth of, 31 c, e, f, 33 d-f, 34 a, 386 c.
Mystery in, 422 a, b.
Old Testament, 32 e.
Own interpreter, 36 f.
Place in the family, 39 c, d.
Promotes morality, 34 b, 36 b.
Proverbs, 33 b.
Psalms, 33 a. b.
Read it, 38 a, 39 c, 40 f.
Reveals salvation, 29 e, f, 30 a-c, 32 b, 497 e.
Simplicity of, 29 c.
Sorrow unfolds it, 555 e.
Submission to its teachings, 38 b, c.
Substantial, 29 e, 36 e.
Thought suggesting, 31 c, 364 d.
Treasure, 30 b, c, 31 d, e, 39 e.
Treasury, not an arsenal, 38 d.
Truth of, 29 c, d, 36 e, 37 b.
Unchanged, 35 e.
Unity of, 32 c, d.
  • Books.See Literature.
  • Brotherhood: 41-42.
Common level, 41 d.
Christ's teaching, 41 b, 42 b, 136 a.
Of man, 41 a, 84 d, 46 g, 47 a.
Revealed by the Scriptures, 41 c.
Sense of, how developed, 42 a.
  • Brotherly Love.See Sympathy.
  • Burden-bearing: 99 a-d, 98 a-c, 253 b, c, 548 f, 554 f.
  • Cares: 42-44.
And meditation, 406 e.
Basis of, 42 c, 43 a.
Cast them on God, 43 c, 44 a.
Climb above them, 43 f, 601 e.
Keep them without thee, 43 b, c.
Of riches, 521 d, 523 d.
Why art thou troubled? 43 f.
  • Character: 44-46.
Above intellect, 353 d.
All we can take into eternity, 44 e, 623 c.