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They found an inviting spot in a small grove of trees close to a spring and a brook, and proceeded to make themselves comfortable. Slavin was glad enough to drop into a light doze.

"He's a changed man, unless I miss my guess," said Allen to Noel.

"I think you are right, Allen. That adventure took him so close to death I fancy it rather awakened his conscience."

"I hope he does turn over a new leaf. He doesn t appear such a bad fellow at heart."

"You are right. I suppose some men get bad out here simply because they haven't any good example to follow. They cut loose from their old associates and fall in with the wrong sort."

"That's just it, and it's so much easier to find the wrong sort than the right sort. Some men think life altogether too slow unless they are doing something against the law."

Allen, as he rested, could not help but think of his two brothers. What were Chet and Paul doing? He sincerely trusted all was going well with them.

"They ought to be old enough to take care of themselves," said Noel. "You mustn't worry too much on their account."