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"Well, we have to be on guard out here night and day, Noel. You really don't know who to trust."

"Oh, I know that."

"Just think of what my uncle has suffered, and of what he may be suffering this minute. It is enough to make one's blood boil!"

"It may not be as bad as you imagine, Allen. Your uncle must know a thing or two."

"Of course, but one man can't do much against three or four, or half a dozen. Those rascals will do all in their power to bring him to terms, rest assured of that."

"Well, I am willing to push on at any time you say."

"I'll push on as fast as Slavin can travel. I can't do more than that. If he caves in on our hands we'll have no means of finding out anything more about my uncle's whereabouts."

"He can't be shamming, can he?"

"Not a bit of it. He was caught under the tree and I wouldn't have been in his position for a thousand dollars."

"Then don't push him any harder than you dare. To me he looks like a fellow who might be getting a fever."