Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/377

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I07, io8] DEFEA T OF LACEDAEMONIANS AND ALLIES 261 numbering altogether four hundred, in a deep lane over- grown with brushwood, intending them to lie in wait until the moment of conflict, when they were to rush out from the rear on the line of the enemy where it overlapped. The preparations of both armies were now complete and they engaged. Demosthenes led his own right wing, on which were the Messenians and a few Athenians, while the other was held by the Acarnanians, who were disposed according to their cities, and by the Amphilochian javelin- men who were in the battle. The Peloponnesians and Ambraciots were intermingled, with the exception of the Mantineans, who were all collected on the left wing; but the extremity of the wing was occupied by Eurylochus and his division, who were opposed to the Messenians under Demosthenes. When the two armies were at close quarters, the left 108 wing of the Peloponnesians out-Hanked y,,^^ Pehponnesian the right wing of their opponents and h/t iving is panic- threatened to surround them; where- ^-i^kai by the troops coining out of the am- upon the Acarnanians, coming upon i,„^,,^^^„^ jj,;,_ rhe them from behind out of the ambuscade, n'ght iving is victorious charged and turned them. They fled ^it first but finally . , ,, . , , 1,1- • driven back to Olpae. without Striking a blow, and their panic caused the greater part of the army to run with them. For, when they saw Eurylochus and their best troops routed, they lost whatever courage they had. The Mes- senians, who were in this part of the field under the command of Demosthenes, were foremost in the action. The right wing of the enemy, however, and the Ambraciots, who are the most warlike nation in those parts, vanquished their opponents and drove them back to Argos. But, returning, they saw the greater part of the army defeated, and were hard pressed by the victorious division of the Acarnanians, whereupon, escaping with difficulty, they made their way to Olpae. Numbers of the defeated were killed, for they dashed into the fort wildly and in confusion, except the Mantineans, who kept together and retreated