Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/378

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262 TREACHERY OF THE PELOPONNESIANS [ill in better order than any other part of the army. The battle, which had lasted until evening, now ended. 109 On the next day Menedaeus took the command, for Difficulties of the Eurylochus and Macarius, the two Lacedaemonian com- other generals, had been slain '^. He tnander, who nesrotiates i,„^,„ ., 4. „,u„<. <- j n. .„ jl, „^ knew not what to do alter so serious with Uemostlioies a secret treaty fur the 3. defeat. He could not hope, if he Peloponnesians only. remained, to Stand a siege, hemmed in as he was by land, and at sea blockaded by the Athen- ian ships ; neither could he safely retire ; so entering into a parley with Demosthenes and the Acarnanian generals about the burial of the dead, he tried to negotiate with them at the same time for a retreat. The Athenians gave back to the enemy their dead, erected a trophy, and took up their own dead, in number about three hundred. They would not openly agree to the proposal for a general retreat, but Demosthenes and his Acarnanian colleagues made a secret treaty with the Mantineans, and Menedaeus, and the other Peloponnesian generals and chief persons, allowing their army to depart. He wanted partly to isolate the Ambraciots and their foreign mercenary troops, but much more to take away the character of the Lacedae- monians and Peloponnesians among the Hellenes in those parts and convict them of selfishness and treachery. Accordingly the Peloponnesians took up their dead, and burying them quickly as well as they could, consulted secretly how those who had permission could best depart, no Meanwhile news was brought to Demosthenes and the Approach of the main Acarnanians that the whole remaining army of the Ambraciots. force of the Ambraciots, who some Demosthenes prepares tjj-j^g previously had been summoned to cut them off. ^ ,t -i. i, . • • ^u i. irom the city ^ to join the troops in Olpae, were now on their way through the territory of the Amphilochians and were in entire ignorance of what had occurred. Whereupon he at once sent forward a part of Cp. iv. 38 init. Cp, iii. 105 fin.