Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/92

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Ixxxviii THUCYDIDES Suppl. 33 a is the subscription of a treaty with Leontini also made in 433 b. c , the archonship of Apseudes, two years before the war, and apparently on the same day. Six years afterwards the Leontines and their allies, includ- ing the Rhegines, who were then engaged in a war with the Syracusans, applied for a new alliance with Athens, /cara TraXatav ^vfj-fxaxictv (Thuc. iii. 86 med.), being possibly that which is recorded in the inscription, but more prob- ably a much older one. [An inscription published by Kohler in Hermes xxvi. p. 43, cp. Arnold Behr in Hermes xxx. p. 447, seems to mention a dedication of a statue to Athene Nike, for a victory over the Ambraciots, very likely that of Thuc. iii. 107. The words as restored are lirLdKivrjv Tov dy[aXj/xa [tos tjJs 'A^7/m]s T^s l>iiKr]<; r/v dvi[^Oj€(rav ^A6i]vaL0L diroj 'A/x/3pai^iwTa)V kol t^s iv ["OATrats (?) crrparjias. The word KopKvpaiMv also occurs, but in what connexion it is impossible to say with certainty.] 40 contains three decrees relating to the Methonaeans and Perdiccas. According to the provisions of the first decree, the Methonaeans are only to pay the quota of ^V'h to the Goddess ; and, if they are useful to the Athenians 'as they are now, and still better,' they are not to be subject to any general but only to a special regulation respecting arrears of tribute. To Perdiccas three ambas- sadors 'over fifty years of age ' are sent : he is to be told that he must allow the Methonaeans the free use of the sea, and not pass through their country without permission being first obtained from them. If he and the Methonaeans consent, the ambassadors are to arrange matters between them, but if not, their differences are to be brought to Athens : if the troops at Cape Posidium report favourably on Perdiccas {iav . . . cTraivwo-t) the Athenians will have a good opinion of him, yvw/u-as dya^as TTtpl axjTOv c^ouo-iv.