Page:Tirant lo Blanch; a study of its authorship, principal sources and historical setting (IA cu31924026512263).pdf/68

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  • upon the Marquis of Saint George dispatched the unfortunate

king. In this battle and pursuit the Turks lost 103,000 men, including those who were taken prisoners. Among the Greeks that were slain were the Duke of Macedonia and the Constable. The brave Ricart, too, was among the dead. A messenger announced the result of the battle to the emperor, and immediately the venerable monarch knelt down and offered thanks to Christ and His Most Blessed Mother, Our Lady. (Chaps. 155-158)

After this disastrous defeat of the Moors, the sultan and all the men who had been able to escape with him found refuge in the city of Bellpuig, which was four leagues distant from that in which the King of Egypt was slain. The imperial forces did not attack the sultan's army, but confined their operations for the time to recapturing some of the other places that had recently been taken by the enemy. The emperor accompanied the troops from Sicily, who succeeded in recovering several cities. (Chap. 159)

After the emperor's return to the castle of Mal Vehi, where he lived during his visit to the camp, he asked Tirant to recommend some one to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the Constable. The name of Diaphebus was suggested. And it was the pleasure of the emperor to appoint Diaphebus Constable of the Empire. Then he turned to Tirant and said: "And you I shall make the Earl of Sent Angel." But Tirant declined the honor, and this greatly displeased His Majesty. And the Capita Major, not wishing to wound the feelings of the aged monarch, said that since whatever belonged to Diaphebus was his, and whatever was his belonged to Diaphebus, he would accept the earldom, but that the title should be bestowed on his friend, the newly appointed Constable. The princess was very curious to know why he would not accept the title, and in his reply to her question,