Page:Tirant lo Blanch; a study of its authorship, principal sources and historical setting (IA cu31924026512263).pdf/69

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he told her that he would never accept any title as long as he lived except that of emperor—either that or none. (Chap. 161)

The appointment of Diaphebus as Constable, and his elevation to the dignity of Earl of Sent Angel, were celebrated with great splendor. But Tirant was sad during the festivities. The princess noticed this, and she asked what grieved him so. He answered that he was filled with sorrow because she was about to return to Constantinople. Carmesina told this to Stephania, and they invited Tirant and Diaphebus to visit them secretly that night. When the visitors came, all the attendants and companions of the princess were asleep, with the exception of Plaer de mi Vida, who was wide awake with curiosity, although she pretended to be sleeping. She heard and saw all that happened, and the next morning she told Carmesina and Stephania that she had had a wonderful dream during the night. Being asked to relate it, she told all about the secret visit of Tirant and Diaphebus. And then she added, with a sigh, that she regretted deeply that Hypolite and she had not been invited to the party. (Chaps. 162-163)

That same day the emperor and all who had come with him returned to Constantinople. The heart of the princess was heavy when the time came for her to leave Tirant. She veiled her face in order that no one might see her tears. (Chap. 163)

Five large ships arrived at a port which was at a considerable distance from the camp of the imperial army, and these were laden with provisions for that army. Tirant placed the camp under the command of the Constable and went to see about the unloading of the ships. The owners of these vessels and the mariners were delighted to see the great Captain. They informed him that seven Genoese ships had entered the port of Bellpuig with provisions for the sultan's army. Tirant remarked