Page:Titus Andronicus (1926) Yale.djvu/71

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Titus Andronicus, IV. i

Tit. 'Tis sure enough, an you knew how;
But if you hunt these bear-whelps, then beware: 96
The dam will wake, an if she wind you once:
She's with the lion deeply still in league,
And lulls him whilst she playeth on her back,
And when he sleeps will she do what she list. 100
You're a young huntsman, Marcus; let it alone;
And, come, I will go get a leaf of brass,
And with a gad of steel will write these words,
And lay it by: the angry northern wind 104
Will blow these sands like Sibyl's leaves abroad,
And where's your lesson then? Boy, what say you?

Boy. I say, my lord, that if I were a man,
Their mother's bed-chamber should not be safe 108
For these bad bondmen to the yoke of Rome.

Mar. Ay, that's my boy! thy father hath full oft
For his ungrateful country done the like.

Boy. And, uncle, so will I, an if I live. 112

Tit. Come, go with me into mine armoury:
Lucius, I'll fit thee; and withal my boy
Shall carry from me to the empress' sons
Presents that I intend to send them both: 116
Come, come! thou'lt do thy message, wilt thou not?

Boy. Ay, with my dagger in their bosoms, grandsire.

Tit. No, boy, not so; I'll teach thee another course.
Lavinia, come. Marcus, look to my house; 120
Lucius and Ill go brave it at the court:
Ay, marry, will we, sir; and we'll be waited on.

Exeunt [Titus, Lavinia, and young Lucius].

Mar. O heavens! can you hear a good man groan,
And not relent or not compassion him? 124

97 wind: scent
103 gad: point
105 Sibyl's leaves; cf. n.
124 compassion: have compassion on