Page:Titus Andronicus (1926) Yale.djvu/72

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The Tragedy of

Marcus, attend him in his ecstasy,
That hath more scars of sorrow in his heart
Than foemen's marks upon his batter'd shield;
But yet so just that he will not revenge. 128
Revenge the heavens for old Andronicus! Exit.

Scene Two

[The same. A Room in the Palace]

Enter Aaron, Chiron, and Demetrius at one door; and at another door young Lucius and another, with a bundle of weapons, and verses writ upon them.

Chi. Demetrius, here's the son of Lucius;
He hath some message to deliver us.

Aar. Ay, some mad message from his mad grandfather.

Boy. My lords, with all the humbleness I may, 4
I greet your honours from Andronicus;
[Aside.] And pray the Roman gods, confound you both!

Dem. Gramercy, lovely Lucius: what's the news?

Boy. [Aside.] That you are both decipher'd, that's the news, 8
For villains mark'd with rape. [Aloud.] May it please you,
My grandsire, well advis'd, hath sent by me
The goodliest weapons of his armoury,
To gratify your honourable youth, 12
The hope of Rome, for so he bade me say;
And so I do, and with his gifts present
Your lordships, that whenever you have need,

125 ecstasy: frenzy

10 well-advis'd: in his right mind