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Tixall Poetry.
Nor does our self-love contradict that state
Where we, with reason, oft ourselves doe hate,
Since both are partners in the same debate.

To hate myself, that is to loath my ill,
Is but from bad to seperate my will,
And what is this but good self-loving still?

And thus my sence my reason seldome loves,
My passion oft my judgement disaprooves,
This way my spirit, that my body mooves.

If my owne sinne be my owne enemy,
And good controwle my bad, tis plane to see
I ever hate myself for love of me.

And when I others hate, or turne my mind
From union with them, tis because I find
Them crosse to me; self-love still ownes his kind.

Now, if't be self-love when I hate them so,
Much more tis when to them my love I show,
Since love suites more with love, then hate, you know.