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Tixall Poetry.
For, when I their perfections most admire,
That they weire mine is still my first desyre,
Next by self-love I to the lyke aspire.

If friends are second selves, we love aright
Ourselves, as first selves best: and though we might
Love them as first, tweire self-love still to th' hight.

Weir't possible, that any handsome she
Could once endure a thought of love from me,
That very love should none but self-love be.

For she should beare my hart still in her owne,
Nor could it prejudice self-love, to owne
Her hart and myne more worth, then mine alone.

This weire no more, then by a second choice,
To ad unto my hart a double poyse,
In self redoubled love more to rejoyce.

Or should I for her honor die, the strife,
In such a noble cause to loose a lyfe,
Would croune my self-love more then such a wyfe.