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Tixall Poetry.
Shall you, Eridanus' new bird, out scan
        The wing of Dirces swan?
From whos full pennes deep raptures gusht of owld,
        Lyke rivers downe hill rould:
     And I (when Tiber can not keepe
        His bed) in myne here sleepe?
        Wher still my muse consumes
     Her flagging veine in downy plumes:
No, no, though hope could never raise my quill,
Feare now gives wings to clime yon neboring hill.

See, see, the land turn'd an Egean sea,
        Where mountains ciclads be;
Hark, how the tyrant water foaming roares,
        Disdaining hills for shores;
     Each element his seate confounds,
        Where rivers brooke no bounds:
        Thos streames, who, lesse, could yeeld
Rich pasture to each gladsome field,