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Tixall Poetry.
Lyfe to each iolly swaine, now greater growne,
And swolne more high, both feeld and shepard drowne.

Alas! how rare a thing is moderate
        To an unweldy state!
So one, borne to his friends and contrys good,
        That flowes in welth and blood,
     But bred to proiects, ayry milles
        On forraine winds and hills,
        Or fed ith slimy pooles
     Of gluttonous gold fishing fooles,
Swells, rages, overflowes, depopulates,
Confounds his owne, ruins his neighbors states.

A senate here, by popular consent
        Thrust into government,
To curbe despotik power that might undoe,
        Is become tyrant too:
     And now braves Cesar to his face,
        And then usurpes his place,