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Tixall Poetry.
        And puft so prowdly high
     Above the brinkes of mortality:
Even dares the Gods to reparation,
And carves new currents to religion.

An army theire, raised to protect the cause
        Of common welth and lawes,
High fed with publique tresure freely powr'd,
        And plentifully showrd;
     That, like a torrent overflown,
        Drove desolation
        Before it, now wild to see
     No more the face of enemy,
'Gainst its owne citty turnes th' ungratefull flood,
Threats a new deluge there of parents blood.

A people seated in a fayre aboad,
        Where milke and nectar flowd,
Where peace and iustice fild the cupps of blisse,
        In a perpetual kisse:
