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Tixall Poetry.

The Golden Mean.

Base thought! to value all by fortunу's rate!
To count desert by who hath most estate!
Opinion saith, he happyest shall be
Who will live under her base tyranny.
But where's the man that ever yet was knowne
Happy by others' thoughts, if not his owne?
Yet many are so blinde, they live o' th' foode
Of this base tirant, take a seeming good
Before a reall; greatest comforts sell;
To have others think they've heaven, they'le live in hell.
They cannot taste a comfort or a bliss,
Unlesse the world first say that such it is;
Which when they've heard, they follow, 'tis all one,
Though reason tells them it may prove destruction.
They'l choose the glory of a golden chayne,
To tye them ever to the loathed payne