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Tixall Poetry.
Of what they hate, a rich unhappy tye,
Obscure within, whilst gloryous to the eye.
Whilst I, unenvied, far more happy prove
Tether'd with love, and tyed to what I love.
But this no lustre casts, makes no vayne show,
All in itselfe concentred; here I'le choose
My owne opinion, though I others loose.
The world's false riches, and the plentyest store,
Breed but in man the coveting of more,
Not satisfie; true riches is content;
But false they are when with them we lament;
Which many doe, who chuse this seeming blis,
And find a griefe which their destruction is.
The brightest luster ever misery
Was cloathed in, ne'er did so dazle me,
But that through it I could discerne far lesse
Of joyes, than in the meane clad happines.