Page:Tragedies of Sophocles (Jebb 1917).djvu/382

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Never canst thou win the amity of my soul, thou who hast taken the stay of my life by fraud, and robbed me of it,—and then hast come here to give me counsel—thou most hateful offspring of a noble sire! Perdition seize you all, the Atreidae first, and next the son of Laertes, and thee! Ne. Utter no more curses; but receive these weapons from my hand.

Ph. What sayest thou? Am I being tricked a second time?

Ne. No, I swear it by the pure majesty of Zeus most high!

Ph. O welcome words,—if thy words be true!1290

Ne. The deed shall soon prove the word:—come, stretch forth thy right hand, and be master of thy bow!

[As he hands the bow and arrows to Philoctetes,
Odysseus suddenly appears.

Od. But I forbid it—be the gods my witnesses—in the name of the Atreidae and all the host!

Ph. My son, whose voice was that? Did I hear Odysseus? Od. Be sure of it,—and thou seest him at thy side,—who will carry thee to the plains of Troy perforce, whether the son of Achilles will or no.

Ph. But to thy cost, if this arrow fly straight.

[Bends his bow.

Ne. (seizing his arm).1300 Ah, for the gods' love, forbear—launch not thy shaft!

Ph. Unhand me, in Heaven's name, dear youth!

Ne. I will not. Ph. Alas! why hast thou disappointed me of slaying my hated enemy with my bow!

Ne. Nay, it suits not with my honour, nor with thine.

[Exit Odysseus.