Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 18.djvu/14

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Seventeenth Annual Report 407–408
Accounts 408


Notice of an Ancient Maori Kite 411
Notice of Helix hochstetteri 411
Notice of an Auriferous Pinolite 411
Notice of Occurrence of a Bonita and Turtle 411
Old Books exhibited 411
Notice of a Geological Collection from Kaikoura, made by Mr. McKay 411
Portrait of Manihera exhibited, and remarks 411–412
Presentation to Mr. John Buchanan, F.L.S. 412
Suggestion as to Uniformity of Expression in the Transactions. By A. de B. Brandon 412
Notice of a Trout caught in the Silverstream 413
Nomination of Member to vote in election of Governors of N.Z. Institute 413
On the Coniferous Plants in the Botanic Gardens at Wellington. By J. Buchanan, F.L.S. 414
Notice of a Trout caught in the Hutt River 414
Notice of Fourcroya longæva 414
Notice of Geological Collection from the Bounty and Antipodes Islands and Campbell Island 414
Notes on an Ancient Map of New Zealand 414
Abstract of Annual Report 414
Report of the Microscopic Section 415
Journey to Murimotu and Ascent of Ruapehu. By J. Park 415
Election of Officers for 1886 415
Abstract of Anniversary Address by the President 416–419
New Species of Carabidæ. By Captain T. Broun 419
Objections to the Theory of Evolution. By J. Buchanan 419
Notice of the Death of Mr. J. T. McKelvie 419
The Sphygmograph. By J. Murray Moore, M.D. 420
Prehistoric Weapons. By J. Martin, F.G.S. 420
The Influence of the Means of Transit on the Social Condition of the People. By S. Vaile 420
The Minerals of the Cape Colville Peninsula. By J. A. Pond 421
Notice of Maori Carved House in the Museum 421
Reference to a new Volcano in the Friendly Islands. By W. S. Lane 421
The Survival of the Fittest. By E. A. Mackechnie 422–423
Abstract of Report for 1885
Election of Officers for 1886 423
Letter from the Widow of Dr. von Hochstetter 424
Lucretius. By Professor Haslam 424
Buddha and his Philosophy. By G. Hogben 424