Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 18.djvu/15

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River Terraces. By Professor F. W. Hutton 424
Thought Transference. By R. M. Laing, M.A. 425
The Stone Age in Europe. By Professor F. W. Hutton 425
Annual Report
Election of Officers for 1886 426
The Role af Phosphorus in Nature. By the President 426
Moas and Moa-hunters. By Professor J. von Haast, C.M.G., Ph.D., F.R.S. 426
Protest against the Exportation of Tuataras 427
On the Preparation of Vegetable Tissues. By G. M. Thomson and Professor Parker 427
On Explosives. By Professor Scott 427
Description of a new Species of Acæna. By D. Petrie, M.A. 428
On Inebriety, and the Duty of the State with regard to Inebriates. By Dr. de Zouche 428
Resolution regarding the Publication of a new Handbook of the Phanerogamic Flora of New Zealand 428
On the Preparation of Sections of Bones and Teeth. By Dr. Lindo Ferguson 428
On the Preparation of Rock Sections. By Professor Ulrich 428
Notice of Trout from Lake Wakatipu. By Professor Parker 428
On the Early History of New Zealand. By Dr. Hocken 428
Regarding Evolution the Previous Question of Science. By Rev. Dr. Macgregor 429
Notice of Exhibits for the Colonial and Indian Exhibition. By Professor Parker 429
Abstract of Annual Report 429
Election of Officers for 1886 429
Abstract of Address by the Retiring President 429–431
Abstract of Annual Report 432
Election of Officers for 1885–86 432
On the Rev. J. Pearson's Method of Computing Solar Eclipses and Occultations. By J. Harding 433
Notice of Neobalæna marginata, Stenorhynchus leptonyx, Hammer Shark, and Fossils from Takapau 433
On the Solar Eclipse. By T. Tanner 433
On the Solar Eclipse. By R. C. Harding 433
Notices of Phasma, Epiodon, Balænoptera rostrata, Coronula balænaris, and Conchoderma aurita 433
On the various Legends and Stories current among the Maoris relating to the Sea and Sea Monsters. By W. Colenso, F.L.S. 434
Notice of a Flying-Fish, and of Fossils from the Upper Mohaka 434
On the Early Discovery of Moa Bones in New Zealand, and their Identification. By Mr. Hamilton 434
Notice of Moa Bones from the North Island. By W. Colenso, F.L.S. 434
On some other Extinct Birds, more particularly the Dodo and the Great Auk 434
On the Study of Natural History. By Mr. Hamilton 435
Abstract of Annual Report 435
Election of Officers for 1886 435