Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 19.djvu/12

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XX. The Land Mollusca of the Thames Goldfields. By James Adams, B.A. 177–181
XXI. Description of the Little Barrier or Hanturu Island, the Birds which inhabit it, and the Locality as a Protection to them. By A. Reischek, F.L.S. 181–184
XXII. Notes on Ornithology. By A. Reischek 184–188
XXIII. Ornithological Notes. By A. Reischek 188–193
XXIV. Notes on some Moa Remains found at the Great Barrier Island during February, 1886. By Sidney Weetman 193–194
XXV. On a new Species of Alpheus. By T. W. Kirk 194–196
XXVI. Notes on some Foraminifera from the Hauraki Gulf. By Dr. Rudolph Haeusler 196–200
XXVII. On the Occurrence of Junonia vellida and Deopeia pulchella in New Zealand. By G. V. Hudson, 201
XXVIII. Descriptions of new Spiders. By P. Goyen 201–212
XXIX. On some new Native Plants. By J. Buchanan, F.L.S. 213–216
XXX. On a remarkable branching Specimen of Hemitelia smithii. By J. Buchanan 217
XXXI. On the New Zealand Species of Coprosma. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S., Curator of the Auckland Museum 218–252
XXXII. A few Observations on the Tree-Ferns of New Zealand; with particular reference to their peculiar Epiphytes, their Habit, and their manner of Growth. By W. Colenso, F.E.S., F.L.S., etc. 252–259
XXXIII. A Description of some newly-discovered and rare in digenous Phænogamic Plants, being a further Contribution towards making known the Botany of New Zealand. By W. Colenso 259–271
XXXIV. A Description of some newly-discovered Cryptogamic Plants, being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. By W. Colenso 271–301
XXXV. An Enumeration of Fungi recently discovered in New Zealand, with brief Notes on the Species Novæ. By W. Colenso 301–313
XXXVI. Observations on the Glands in the Leaf and Stem of Myoporum lætum, Forster. By Catherine Alexander, B.A. 314–316
XXXVII. Observations on the Development of the Flower of Coriaria ruscifolia, Linn. By T. W. Rowe, M.A. 317–319
XXXVIII. The Medicinal Properties of some New Zealand Plants. By J. Baber, C.E. 319–322
XXXIX. Descriptions of new Native Plants. By D. Petrie, F.L.S. 323–324
XL. Descriptions of new Native Plants. By D. Petrie 325–326
XLI. Narrative of an Ascent of Ruapehu. By James Park, Geological Survey Department 327–331
XLII. Notes in reference to the Prime Causes of the Phænomena of Earthquakes and Volcanoes. By W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S. 331–338
XLIII. On the Cause of Volcanic Action. By J. Hardcastle 338–341