Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 31.djvu/13

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XL. Corrections in the Names of some New Zealand Rocks. By Captain F. W. Hutton, F.R.S., Curator of the Canterbury Museum 483–484
XLI. On a Supposed Rib of the Kumi, or Ngarara. By Captain F. W. Hutton 485
XLII. On the Footprint of a Kiwi-like Bird from Manaroa. By Captain F. W. Hutton 486
XLIII. Notes on a West Coast Dolerite. By W. A. MacLeod, B.Sc. 487–488
XLIV. Notes on a Hvpersthene Andesite from White Island. By W. A. MacLeod 488–489
XLV. Notes on a Hornblende Trachyte from Tawhetarangi. By W. A. MacLeod 490–491
XLVI. On Occurrences of Gold in the Coromandel District. By J. M. Maclaren, B.Sc. 492–493
XLVII. On the Geology of Te Moehau. By J. M. Maclaren 494–498
XLVIII. Some Notes on the Volcanoes of the Taupo District. By Benedict Friedlaender, Ph.D., of Berlin. Communicated by T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 498–510
XLIX. The Volcanoes of the Pacific. By Coleman Phillips 510–551
L. On the Artesian Wells at Longburn. By J. Marchbanks, A.M.I.C.E. 551–554
IV.—Chemistry and Physics.
LI. An Instrument for roughly determining the Relative Thermometric Conductivities of Liquids. By Dr. W. P. Evans 555–556
LII. On the Distillation Products of the Blackball Coal. By Dr. W. P. Evans 556–557
LIII. Contact Metamorphism at the New Brockley Coalmine (Malvern Hills). By Dr. W. P. Evans 557–564
LIV. Analyses (Technical) of New Zealand Coals. By Dr. W. P. Evans 564–565
LV. On the Apparent Occlusion of Sulphuretted Hydrogen in a Bituminous Coal. By Dr. W. P. Evans 566–567
LVI. On the Interaction of Cyclones upon one another. By Major-General Schaw, C.B., R.E. 567–569
LVII. Further Light on the Circulation of the Atmosphere in the Southern Hemisphere. By Major-General Schaw 570–576
LVIII. On Seasonal Time. By G. V. Hudson 577–583
LIX. The Wanganui Earthquake of the 8th December, 1897. By George Hogben, M.A., Secretary of the Seismological Committee of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science 583–590
LX. Notes on the Comparison of some Elements of Earthquake Motion as observed in New Zealand, with their Theoretic Values. By George Hogben 590–593
LXI. The Tasmanian Earthquake of the 27th January, 1892. By George Hogben 594–601
LXII. A Graphic Method of calculating Cubic Content of Excavation, as for Water-races on Uneven Ground. By George Hogben 602–603