Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 7.djvu/16

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Ordinary Members lxv–lxxiii
Errata et Addenda iii
Contents v–x
List of Plates x
Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute xi
Abstracts of Rules and Statutes of the New Zealand Institute xi–xiii
List of Incorporated Societies xiv
Officers of Incorporated Societies and Extracts from the Rules xiv–xvii


I. Haast.—Plan and Sections of Moa-bone Point Cave, Sumner  56
II. {{{1}}} Map and Sections of Moa-bone Point Cave, Sumner  64
III. {{{1}}} Sections of Moa-hunter Encampment, Shag Point
{{{1}}} Sections of ancient Burial Place at Sumner
IV. {{{1}}} Stone Implements from Burial Place at Sumner  88
V. Booth.—Plan of Moa Swamp at Hamilton 128
VI. Goodall.—Cut Stump of a Tree 144
VII. Buller.—Diagram of a Bird 200
VIII. {{{1}}} Prion vittatus, Pr. turtur, Pr. banksii,
Platycercus novæ-zealandiæ, Pl. auriceps, Pl. alpinus,
Orthonyx ochrocephala, O. albicilla, Certhiparus novæ-zealandiæ
IX. {{{1}}} Hieracidea novæ-zealandiæ, H. ferox 214
X. Hector.Plectropoma huntii, Haplodactylus meandratus, Girella percoides,
Chilodactylus douglasii, Scorpæna barathri
XI. {{{1}}} Trachichthys intermedius, Caranx koheru, Platystethus abbreviatus,
Macrurus armatus, Pseudorhombus boops, Maurolicus australis
XII. Buchanan.Myosotidium nobile 334
XIII. {{{1}}} Veronica chathamica, Geranium traversii 336
XIV. {{{1}}} Olearia semidentata 336
XV. {{{1}}} Olearia angustifolia 340
XVI. Hector.Neobalæna marginata, Orca pacifica
Globiocephalus macrorhynchus
XVI.A. {{{1}}} Globiocephalus macrorhynchus 264
XVII. {{{1}}} Neobalæna marginata 252
XVIII. {{{1}}} Physalus antarcticus 256
XIX. Hutton and Coughtrey.—Moa Remains 272
XX. Coughtrey.Hydroideæ 288
XXI. Powell.Phronima novæ-zealandiæ
Hutton.Aplysia brunnea, Aplysia venosa
Cominella striata, Zizyphinus hodgei, Venus (?) sulcata
XXII. {{{1}}} Capsules of Mosses 344
XXIII. Knight.—Lichens 360
XXIV. Berggren.Hæmatococcus sanguineus 370
XXV. Kirk.Isoëtes alpinus
Knight.Stereocaulon buchanani
XXVI. Lemon.—Diagrams illustrating Duplex Telegraphy 398
XXVII. {{{1}}} Diagrams illustrating Duplex Telegraphy 400
XXVIII. Knight.—Different Species of Gymnostomum 354
XXIX. Bakewell.—Blood Corpuscles xxxvi
Hutton.—Measurements of Dinornis bones 278