Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 7.djvu/15

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Resolutions regarding the Sumner Cave Exploration 531–533
Election of Officers for 1875 532
Abstract Report of the Council 533
Protest by Dr. Haast against Minutes of the Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute 534–535
Further Resolutions regarding the Sumner Cave Exploration 535
Extract from the Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute, held 21st Dec, 1874 535–538
Remarks on a Paper by G. Thomson on the Naturalized Plants of Otago. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 539
Notes on rare Ferns. By P. Thomson 540–541
Letter from Dr. Gray containing Notes on a Finner Whale 542
On some common Causes of Consumption in Otago. By Robert H. Bakewell, M.D. 543–544
Notes on the Moa. By W. H. S. Roberts 548–549
Comparison of the Marine Mollusca of South Australia with those of New Zealand. By W. Beddnal. Communicated by Captain Hutton 549
Communication from the Superintendent of Otago with regard to the Philadelphia Exhibition 549–550
Annual Report 550
Anniversary Address by the President, J. T. Thomson, F.R.G.S. 550–553
Election of Officers for 1875 555
Election of Officers for 1875 557
Notice of a Whale. By the Bishop of Nelson 558
Sixth Annual Report by the Board of Governors 559–565
Accounts of the New Zealand Institute 565

Meteorological Statistics of New Zealand for 1874 xxi–xxiii
Earthquakes reported in New Zealand during 1874 xxiii
Comparative Abstract for 1874 and previous years xxiv
Notes on the Weather during 1874 xxv–xxvii
Notes on the word "Moa" in the Poetry of the New Zealanders. By the Rev. James W. Stack xxviii–xxix
Abstract of Meteorological Observations, taken at Delanasau, Bay of Islands, Bua, Fiji, for the year ending 31st Dec, 1873. By R. L. Holmes, F.M.S. xxx
Observations on the Growth and Reproduction of the red Corpuscles of the Blood. By Robert H. Bakewell, M.D. Communicated by Dr. Hector xxxi–xxxvii
Induction and Necessary Truth. By the Rev. R. Kidd, LL.D. xxxviii–xlv
On Probability (Part I.). By the Rev. R. Kidd xlvi–lviii
What is Science? By the Rev. R. Kidd lviii–lxiv
Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute lxv