Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 7.djvu/14

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LXXI. Did the great Cook Strait River flow to the North-West or to the South-East? By J. C. Crawford, F.G.S. 448–451
Some further Proofs as to the ancient Cook Strait River, and the Harbour of Wellington as a Freshwater Lake; also, a Consideration of the Date at which the Islands were united. By J. C. Crawford 451–453
LXXII. On the Wanganui Tertiaries. By C. W. Purnell 453–457
LXXIII. Description of three new Tertiary Shells in the Otago Museum. By Captain F. W. Hutton, F.G.S., C.M.Z.S. 458
LXXIV. Notes on the Microscopic Structure of certain Igneous Rocks submitted by the Director of the Geological Survey of New Zealand. By Richard Daintree, F.G.S., Agent-General for Queensland. Communicated by Dr. Hector 458–460
LXXV. Deep Sinking in the Lava Beds of Mount Eden. By J. C. Firth 460–464
Anniversary Address of the President, Charles Knight, F.R.C.S. 467–487
On Ergot in Rye Grass. By Dr. Hector, F.R.S. 488–489
Notice of Ceratodus fosteri, Krefft, or Barramunda, of the Queensland Rivers. By Dr. Hector 490–491
Account of Soundings taken by the "Challenger" Expedition. By Dr. Hector 491–492
Notice of the New Zealand Avocet and Procellaria lessoni. By Dr. Hector 492
On the Position of Sulphocyanogen among the Elements, with Notes upon the Series of double Sulphocyanides discovered by the Author in 1868. By W. Skey 502
Memorandum on the Longitude of Wellington Observatory. By Captain Nares, of H.M.S. "Challenger," with enclosing letter by Dr. Hector. Communicated by the Hon. the Colonial Secretary 502–507
On the Occurrence of Lepilæna preissii, Muell., and Carex chlorantha, Br., in New Zealand. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 508
Abstract Report of Council for 1874 508–509
Election of Officers for 1875 509
Notes on Hutton's Catalogue of the Marine Mollusca of New Zealand. By Dr. Ed. von Martens. Communicated by Dr. Hector 510
Note on Rallus modestus. By W. L. Buller, Sc.D., F.L.S. 511
Anniversary Address. By T. Heale 513–519
On Trees suitable for Streets and Avenues. By D. Hay 519–520
On Street Planting. By R. W. Dyson 521
Note on Danais berenice. By T. B. Gillies, M.H.R. 523–524
Note on the Habits of Gerygone flaviventris. By T. B. Gillies 524
Abstract of Annual Report 525
Election of Officers for 1875 525
On Wolffia. By Ll. Powell, M.D. 527
Results of Excavations and Researches in and near the Moa-bone Point Cave, Sumner Road (Postscript). By Julius Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S. 528–530
Explanation of some personal Remarks made in Mr. Potts' Paper on the Birds of New Zealand, part IV., Trans. N.Z. Inst. Vol. VI. By Julius Haast 530–531