Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 8.djvu/4

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XXI. Remarks on Dr. Finsch's paper on New Zealand Ornithology. By W. L. Buller, C.M.G., D.Sc., President 194–196
XXII. Remarks on various Species of New Zealand Birds. By W. L. Buller, C.M.G., D.Sc., President 196–199
XXIII. Notes on Birds observed during a voyage to England. By Dr. Hector, C.M.G., F.R.S. 199–200
XXIV. Further Remarks on some New Zealand Birds. By Otto Finsch, Ph.D. of Bremen, Hon. Mem. N.Z.I., Hon. Mem. Brit. Ornith. Union 200–204
XXV. An Account of the Maori manner of Preserving the Skin of the Huia. By J. D. Enys 204–205
XXVI. Notes on the Introduction and Acclimatization of Salmon. By James Stewart, C.E. 205–209
XXVII. Contributions to the Ichthyology of New Zealand. By Captain Hutton, C.M.Z.S. 209–218
XXVIII. Notes on the Habits of the Frost-fish (Lepidopus caudatus). By C. H. Robson 218–219
XXIX. Notes on the Sword-fish (Ziphias gladius). By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 219–220
XXX. Is Access to the Sea a necessity to Eels. By James Duigan 221–222
XXXI. On the Habits of the Trap-door Spider. By R. Gillies 222–262
XXXII. Notes on the Coleoptera of Auckland, N.Z. By Captain Broun 262–271
XXXIII. Remarks on the Pselaphidæ (Coleoptera) of New Zealand. By Captain Broun 271–282
XXXIV. Description of a New Genera and Species of Heteromera, New Zealand. By F. Bates, F.L.S. Reprinted from Annals and Magazine of Natural History 282–298
XXXV. Critical Notes on New Zealand Hydroida. By William Coughtrey, M.B., B.M., Edin. Univ., Cor. Mem. Roy. Phys. Soc, Edin., Hon. Fell. Historic Soc, L. and C, etc. 298–302
XXXVI. Description of a Species of Butterfly belonging to the family Satyridæ, Westwood. By R. W. Fereday, C.M.E.S.L. 302–304
XXXVII. On the Mollusca of Auckland Harbour. By T. F. Cheeseman 304–311
XXXVIII. Description of a New Species of Fabronia. By Charles Knight, F.R.C.S., F.L.S. 312
XXXIX. On the Lichen Flora of New Zealand. By Charles Knight, F.R.C.S., F.L.S. 313–328
XL. On a Remarkable Instance of Double Parasitism in Loranthaceæ. By Thomas Kirk, F.L.S. 329–330
XLI. Description of a New Species of Hymenophyllum. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 330–331
XLII. On the Oxidation of Silver and Platinum by Oxygen in presence of Water. By William Skey 332–334
XLIII. On the Electro-motive Order of certain Metals in Cyanide of Potassium with reference to the use of this Salt in Milling Gold. By William Skey 334–337
XLIV. On the Absorption of Antimony and Arsenic from a Solution of their Oxides in Hydrochloric Acid by Charcoal. By William Skey 337–338
XLV. On the Solubility of Alkalies in Ether. By William Skey 338–339