Page:Transactions of the Geological Society, 1st series, vol. 3.djvu/459

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Fig. 4. Is intended to represent the probable confusion which exists at the junction of the stratified with the unstratified rock. The drawings of the actual appearances at the junctions which are visible, will show that there is abundant ground for such an imaginary section.

Fig. 1. Represents the actual superposition of the rocks at the Criny, serving to justify the ideal sections which have been already given. The rocks being inaccessible are not however measured. Other indications of a similar order occur in different places, but I thought it unnecessary to represent them.
Fig. 2. Is intended to represent the probable appearance of the strata had they been deposited on the granite. Since the same beds of quartz rock, schist and limestone, are parallel among each other, they should if they had been thus deposited been also found parallel to the granite. But the actual appearance is shown in
Fig. 3, Where the strata, sometimes of limestone, sometimes of quartz rock, sometimes of schist, are found in contact with granite.

Represents the extraordinary fact occurring near Gow's bridge; the interference of beds of hornblende, schist and marble.

Geological map of the South-Western Part of Somersetshire.

Fig. 1 & 2. Represent the seeming alternation of red marle and lyas on the coast of Somersetshire.
Fig. 3 & 4. A map and section of part of Lincolnshire.

PLATE 25, 26.
Lord W. Seymour's Clinometer.