crying, 275 ; lifted over threshold, 274, 277 ; throwing cereals, etc. , 277 ; bride and bridegroom eating together, 280, 281, joining hands, 282 ; leading bride round fire, 283, 345 ; sacrifice, 285 ; mastery of bride or bridegroom, 34T bride begging gifts, 342 ; offer- ings to water-spirit, 345 ; present of shirt to bridegroom, 347 ; gifts to guests, 347 ; bride's head muffled, 347. See also Marriage
Britain, Aryan Celts of, 353
Britten, James, 435
Brown, C. Vaughan, 463
Brunhild, 327
Bryant and the Noachian Deluge, 18
Buckland's Anthrop. Studies, 375
Buddhist folk-tales in Ceylon, 421
Bulla, an amulet, 392
Burmah, Karens of, 23
Burmese tale of tree-lizard, 23 ; drama,
Burne, Miss Charlotte S. , xvi, 435, 448,
461 Burne, R. H., 463 Burne, W. C. H., 463 Busk, Miss R. H. , 436
Cakes, Biddenden maids' 436 ; Local
feasten, 448-49 Callaway's Zulu Nursery Tales, 24, 28 Callennig, 452 Campbell's Popular Tales of the West
Highlands, 51, 70, 83, 307, 325 Candles of human fat, 419 Cannon, W. H. , 462, 463 Cape, Voyages to the, 238 Carleton's Traits and Stories of the
Irish Peasantry, 48 Carpenter's Three Gospels, 81 Casual theory of folk-tale similarity, 86 Cavallius' Swedish Tales, 70 Celebes, Naturalist in the, 249 Celebes Tales, S9 Celtic Declension, 148 Celtic Tales, 51, 52 Ceylon — see Sinhalese Chalatianz' Armenische Mdrchen und
Sagen, 70 Chaldean astronomy, 223 ; history, 360,
361. 365. 37S
Chanson populaire en Finlande, 135
Charms and amulets, 387
Charms : child-birth, 438 ; English printed charm, 443 ; fire, love, and dugong charms, 451 ; luck charm, 453 ; Sinhalese MS. charms, 456
Chauth, 318
Child-birth ; sea-charm, 438
Children's games, 462, 464
Child's Eng. and Scot. Ballads, 37
Chimpanzees, monogamous, 371
Chinese Tales, 28
Chronicon Mannice, 380
Chuffy, the rabbit, story of, 234
Cicero, De Divinatione, 152
Cimarata, an amulet, 392
Cinderella, 16, 32, 76, 80, 84, 86
Cit^ Antique, 151
Civilisation, Origin of, 372
Clodd, Edward, xviii, 449, 462
Codrington's Melanesians, 27, 364, 396
Colonna's Hydragiologia, 208, 210
Comedia vo7i der schonen Sidea, 53
Conchobor and Cuchulainn, 117
Confarreatio, 285
Congress, history of, xiii-xvii ; scientific work of, xvii-xxiii ; official transac- tions, xxiv-xxix ; exhibition, 433-460 ; conversazione, 461-464
Contes Europ6ens et Orientaux, Inci- dents communs aux, 67-75
Contrat Social, 361
Cophur in dd Muccida, 125
Coroner in Man, 382
Corssen's Sprache der Etrusker, 191
Cosquin, Em., 17, 49, 56, 58, 61, 67, 82
Coulanges' La Citi Antique, 151
Courtney, Miss, 438, 449
Cox, Miss M. R. , 32, 79, 438
Cox's Aryan Mythology, 326, 331
Cramp-bone, 455
Crane, Prof T. F. , xviii
Crania Ethnica, 217
Crombie, J. E. , 249
Cunjer-stones (Voodoo), 247
Cunjurer, or Voodoo, how to become,
230. 233 Cupid and Psyche, 26, 56, 62, 74 Curr's Australian Race, 364, 376, 377 Custom and belief, universally identi- cal, 10 Customs, do they travel? 343 Cyclops' cave, 325 Cymmrodor, Y, 30
Dahl's Malagasy Folk-lore, 59
Dances of Voodoos, 237-41
Danu's Tribes, 148
Darenbourg and Saglio's Zlzc^. des Ant. ,
360 Dead wife restored, ii
Dean and Son, 442
De Divinatione, Cicero's, 152
Deemsters, 379, 381, 382
Deluge, a universal myth, or memory, 11
Deluge, Bryant on the Noachian, 18
Dempster, Miss H. , xvii, no, 201
Denkmdler, Lepsius', 366
Dennys' Folk-lore of China, 28
Des-KAvali, 316
Deutsche Mythologie, 210
Devas, 334 Devil's toe-nails, 445
Dietrich of Bern's saga, 114
Dissemination of folk-tales, 27, 30, 51
Divining-rod, 439
Dodona, talking-oak of, 334
Dreams and ghosts, sources of earliest superstitions, 401