Page:Transactions of the Second International Folk-Congress.djvu/505

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Droit, Introd. cl [Hist, du, 362

Drolls, or comic tales, 27

Dsanglun, 279

Dual constitution, tribal and village, 352

Dugong charm, 451

Dumb Borsholder of Chart, 457

Dun Cow, Book of the, 153, 156, 157

Diiringsfeld's Hochzeitbuch, 272

Duvau, Louis, 125

Easter (or Pace) eggs, 436 Eccles. Politic, Hooker's, 362 Eddas, 61, 123, 253, 334 Effigy-burning, in magic, 388, 390 Egypt, Racial Types from, 366 Eleusinian mysteries, 4, 6 Eleusinian priests, holy names of, 202 Ellis's Ewe- and Tshi-speaking Peoples,

401 Emslie, J. P., xvi, 443, 461 Engendering of Two Swineherds, 12!^ Entertainments, xv, xvi, 461-64 Eskimo Tales, 60 Espinas' Socidtds Anivuiles, 370 Esthonian and Hindu customs, resem- blance of, 343 Esthonian folk-lore, progress of, 427 Esthonian marriage customs, 338, 339,

340, 341

Esthonians borrowed from Goths and Lithuanians, 341, 344

Etrusco-Roman remains in modern Tus- can tradition, 185-201. See also Tus- can Sprites.

Etrusker, Sprach der, 191

Eunapius' Vita Maxim. , 203

Europe, Prehistoric, Geikie's, 217

Evans, Sir John, 443

Evil eye, 304, 392

Ewe- and Tshi-speaking Peoples, 401

Exogamy and system of relations, 371,

373' 37^ Exorcism of death, 198

Fafnir, 326

Fairies' grindstone, 434

Fakirs (poor tribesmen), 316

Famille, La, 376

Fargher, J. C. , 443

Father-and-son combat, 127

Fawcett, F., 444

Feather/light, Lady, 40-66

Featherman's Soc. Hist, of the Races of Mankind, 25

Fies du Moyen Age, 193

Ferguson's (Lady) Irish before the Con- quest, 106

Ffennell, Miss M. C. , 44s

Finlande, La Chanson populaire en, 135

Finn and Oisin, 117

Finnish-Ugrian marriage customs, 338

Fir D^a, 148

Fire-charm, 451

Folk-lore, Thoms' meaning of term, 3 ; its method, 6 ; historical aspect of, 102 ; significance of, 395

Folk-songs, 37, 462, 463, 464

Folk-tale incidents and bibliographical references, 87-98

Folk-tales, science of, and problem of diffusion, 76

Folk-tales, tabulation of, 16 ; mytho- logical and anthropological theories of, 76 ; " Tom Tit 'Tot", 464

Footprints, in magic, 388

Foster, J. J., xvii, 445, 461

Fowler, Prof., 362

France before the Revolution, 314

Frazer's Golden Bough, 206, 207, 252, 253. 353 ; Totemism, 254, 235

Fretton, W. G. , 446

Fripp, Charles E. , 446

Fryer's Report of Dera Ghazi Khan, 310

Gaelic Tales, 51, 70, 83, 307, 325 Gaffer, leopard, and jackal, story of, 417 Garnett's (Miss) Women of Turkey, 249,

339. 372. 373. 377 ; exhibit, 446, 449 Gaster, Dr., 308 Geikie's Prehistoric Europe, 217 Geldner, K. F., 62 Gettatura, 393 Ghost-shooters, 397 Gipsy Sorcery, 242, 249, 253. See also

Gypsies Glass castle, 107 Glass slipper, 32

Goat-without-horns (Voodoo), 244 Go-between in marriages, 340 Gobineau's Inegalitds des Races Humaines, 36 c; Goblet d'Alviella's La Migr. des Sym-

ioles, 335 Gods and ghosts, belief in, among

rudest peoples, 7 Goddess Danu's Tribes, 148 Godes, Manx law-givers, 380 Golden Bough, Frazer's, 206, 207, 252,

253. 353 Gomme, G. L., xvn, xxii, in, 289-349,

45° Gomme, Mrs., xvi, 446, 461, 462, 462 Gonda, Settlement Report of , 308 Gonzenbach's Sicilian tales, 30 Good Friday bread, 455 Gorillas, polygamous, 371 Gounod Troupe, 462, 463 Government, Locke on, 363 Governor's share, 310 Grain-heap, 308 Greek Church, Rites of , 281 Greek Tales, 68 Greek Thesmophoria, 4, 6 Green, F. G. , 450, 461 Gregor's Folk-lore of N.-E. Scotland,

205, 211, 275, 278, 284 ; exhibit, 450 Grey's Polynesian Mythology, 60 Grierson's Bihdr Peasant Life, 279