Page:Transactions of the Second International Folk-Congress.djvu/508

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Othello, 35

Owen, Miss Mary A., xxii, 230

Pace (or Easter) eggs, 436

Palica Anecdota, 422

Panjabf Tales, 71

Parallel invention, cases of, 37, 65

Paris, Gaston, xx, 85

Parry's First Voyage, 250

Parsees, Manners and Customs of, 279

Paton, W. R, , xxii, 202

Patriarchial theories of sovereignty, 359,

361 Peek, Cuthbert E. , 456 Peeping Tom, 447 PentameronBy 51 Perrault's Tales, 34, 74, 79 Perrot and Chipiez, 335 Persian Tales, 61, 71, 127, 128 Peterson, Rev. W. , 448 Petrie's (W. M. Flinders) Racial Types

from Egypt, 366 ; exhibit, 456 Petul^ngro, 296 Philips, A. N. , 463 Phillips, Rev. S. W., 457 Pins, in magic, 389 Pischel and Geldner's Vedische Studien,

62 Pitr^, Dr. G., 27, 29, 30, 51, 186 Platonic and Aristotelian solution of

sovereignty problem, 359 Plato's Dialogues, 358, 362 Pliny's Nat. Hist. , 249 Ploix, Chas. , 12, 161-184 Ploss' Das Kind, 205, 206, 209 Plots of folk-tales, 35 Poetry, origin of, 9 Poligdrs, 316 Polish Tales, 61

Political Institutions, Spencer's, 365

Politorganic evolution, 367

Pollock, Sir F, , xviii, 261-266, 313, 356

Polynesia, Nineteen Years in, 28

Polynesian mythology, 60

Pottery, breaking, at wedding, 344

Pott's Ungleichheit der menschlichen Rassen, 365

Prayers to the dead, 405

Prehist, Ant., 287, 288

Prohibition of marriage, 371, 373, 376

Property, Evolution of, 364

Property, origins of, 378

Puritan hatred of popular customs, 4

Pursuit, obstacles to, 83

Pururuvas and Urva9i, 62

Pusey, S. E. B. Bouverie, 458

Puss in Boots, 79, 84

Radloff s Proben, 28

Rdj, or riAsat, 311

Ralston, W. R. S. , 32, 33, 52

Ramsay, Lady, 449

Ranks, Origin of, 372

Rasavdhim (Buddhist legend), 422

Rassen, Ungl. der menschl. , 365

Reade, Chas,, 36

Red Book of Hergest, 123

Rekwali, 317

Relationships, 371

Religion said to begin with the folk, 7

R^ville's Religions des Peuples non civi- lises, 335

Rhein. Museum, 342

Rhys, Mrs. , 449

Rhys, Prof. J., xvi, xviii, 100, no, 118 143, 201, 226, 289, 334

Ri^at, or rdj, 311

Rig Veda, 62, 144, 287, 334

Rink's Tales of the Eskimo, 60

Rochemonteix' Contes nubiens, 69

Romanoffs Rites of the Greek Church 281

Romer, Privai-leben der, 151

Rome, W. , 458

Rd??tiscke Ehe, 285, 340

Rook and beaver societies, 367

Rosamond, Fair, 305

Rosellini's Monumenti Storici, 366

Rossbach's Romische Ehe, 285, 340

Rousseau's Contrat social, 363

Rowan-tree cross, 451

Rumpelstiltskin, 80

Rundle, Rev. S. , 449, 458

Russian Folk-Tales, 52

Rustem and Sohrab, 127, 128

Sacrifices of Voodoos, 238, 239

Saddharmma Alankaraya, 421

Sahassavatthu (Sinhalese story-book).

Sailor's talisman, 438

Saliva superstition, 249-258

Salvamenta, 317

Samoan sagas and ballads, 28, 55

Sawyer, Frank J., 459

Sayce, Prof., 226, 323, 329, 332, 334

Schiefner's AwaHsche Texte, 58

Schmidt, J. J., 279

Schmidt, Johann, 331

Schoultz, Dr. G. J., Courtes Notices sur feu le, 430-432

Schoolcraft's Algic Researches, 60

Schott's IVallachian Tales, 70

Schrader-Jevons' Prekist. Ant., 287, 288

Schroeder, Dr., 269, 270, 337 Scotland, Folk-lore of N. £., 205, 211, 275, 278, 284

Scottish Highlands, Rep. on, 317

Sea-charm for child-birth, 438

Sea-legends, 207, 208, 209

Sea, name committed to, 206

Sébillot's Ligendes de la A/cr, 207, 208, 209

Sepulchral vessels, 456 Servius' Ad Aen. , 285

Seven steps of a bride, 269, 270, 271

Seven Wise Masters, 19, 35