Sexual aversion and promiscuity, 375
Shepherds' crooks, 434
Shrew ash-tree, 445
Sibree, Rev. James, jun. , 459
Sicilian Tales, 29, 30, 51
Siegfried and the Niblungs, 113, 123, 326
Sinhalese Folk-lore, 408-426 ; nursery rhymes, 410 ; folk-tales, 414-417 ; Vaedda lore, 417 ; Buddhist folk- lore, 421-426 ; MS. charms, 456
Sisters and brothers, unions between, 373
Skins, casting, 21
Slave-figures, 456
Slavonic Folk-Tales, 53, 61
Smith, Miss L. Toulmin, 459, 461
Smith, Prof. Robertson, 208, 251, 369
Snake-stones, 445
SocUtds Animales, 370
Sociology, 367
Soma, 334
Somadeva, 54
Southern Digger, 266
Sovereignty, origins of, 358 ; 19th cen- tury theories of, 363 ; social and cus- tomary, 368 ; individual and legal, 368
Speke's Journal, 253
Spencer's Political Institutions, 365 ; in Sociology, ^6j
Spiegel's Anecdota Palica, 422
Spontaneity theories of sovereignty, 363
Squire, Dr. Balmanno, 461
Staatsreckt, Gesch. des, 362
Stanley, Sir John, 380
Stay-busk, betrothal, 455
Steel and Temple's PanjAbI Tales, 71
Stokes' Celtic Declension, 148
Stokes' Indian Fairy Tales, 59
Stuart-Glennie, J. S. , xxii, no, 215, 227,
356. 372. 377. 449 Stuart, Mr. (of National Observer), xvii Stubbs, Bishop, 319 Sudslaven — see Krauss Summons-staff, 457 Sun myths, 18 Superorganic evolution, 367 Surnaturel dans les Contes populaires,
180 Swedish Tales, 70
Swineherds, Engendering of two, 148 Symboles, La Migration des, 335 Symbology, comparative, 336
Tabu, gipsy, 305
Tagaro, story of, 400
Tain hd Cuailgne, 125
Taliesin, Book of, 123
Tartar Tales, 28
Tasks and flight, 41, 45, 48, 49, 50, 54
Tcheraz, Prof., loi, 201, 289
Tempest, Shakspeare's, 54
Temple and Steel's Kashmtri Tales, 71
Teulon's La Famille, 376
Theodoric the Goth, 115
Thesmophoria, 4, 6
Thidrekssaga, 124
Thing (assembly) in Man, 383
Thokk, the ogress, 151
Thompson's Masailand, 250, 252
Tibetan marriage story, 279
Tiersot, J. , 135
Time-table of Papers, xxi
Tinwald in Man, 379
Tjames, Contes, 9
Tjames of Annam, 24
Tocqueville's France before the Revolu- tion, 314
To^n Tit Tot, 80, 464
Toppen's Aherglauben aus Masuren, 61
Toppfer's Attische Genealogie , 203, 212, 213, 214
Totemism, 21, 254, 255
Touti Naineh, 71
Traditional and literary fiction, 35
Transmission of folk-tales, 27, 30, 51
Trees, cosmic, 334
Trial by battle, 264
Tribal community, 349, 350
Trinity, Hindu, 406
Tristan and Iseult, 120
Tuatha D6 Danann, 148
TumandAr, 311
Tapper, C. L. , xxiii, 309
Turkey, Women of, 249, 339, 372, 373, 377
Turner's Nineteen Years in Polynesia, 28 ; Samoa a Hundred Years Ago, _ 55. 25s
Tuscan sprites, witches, etc. — Albini, 191 ; Attilio, 192 ; Begoe, 193 ; Bella Marta, 193 ; Bergoia, 193 ; Buschet, 189 ; Carmenta, 190; Carredora, 192 ; Cavalletta, 196 ; Chuculvia, 189 ; Corredoio, 191 ; Cupra, 191 ; Diana, 194; Dusio, 192 ; Esta, 190 ; Fafldn, 187 ; Fanio, 189; Feronia, 189 ; Fol- leto colla Beretta rossa, 193 ; Goddess of the Four Winds, 192 ; Gonzio, 193 ; Infusa della Notte, 189 ; La- ronda, 191 ; Lasie, 192 ; Losna, 189 ; Madre del Giorno, 193 ; Mania della Notte, 189; Maso, Mas, 189; Mater Matuia, 193 ; Nortia, 189 ; Oreo, igo : Palo, 190 ; Querciola, 193 ; Red Cap, 193: Remle, 192; Sentiero, 190 ; Siero, 189 ; Silviano, 189 ; Spirito della Contentezza, 190 ; Spolviero, 191 ; Tago, 192 ; Teramo, 188 ; Tesana, 191 ; Tinia, 186 ; Verbio, 192 ; Vira, 192
Tylor, Dr. E. B. , xvii, xxii, 145, 157, 215, 227, 371, 387, 395, 4i;9
Unity and harmony of human beliefs, 10
Urvapi and Pururavas, 62
Usener's Rkein, Museum, 342