Ushabtiu, or slave-figures, 456
Vaedda lore in Ceylon, 417 Veckenstedt, Dr. E., xiv, xv
Vedische Studien^ 62
Verrall's Agamemnon, 2.tyj
Vico's Scienza Nuova, 364
Village community, 349, 350 Village goddesses in India, 354
Vizetelly, Miss, 460
Volsungasaga, 123
Voltaire's satire on etymology, 144
Voodoos, Among the, 230-248
Vows, curious Gypsy, 305
Wakefield, Miss, 462, 463
Wallace's Geog. Dist. of Animals, 323
Water divining-rod, 439
Wax effigies in magic, 389
Weber's Indische Studien, 269, 270
Webster's Basque Legends, 51, 56
Wedding, pottery broken at, 343, 344
Welby, Lady, 395 Welsh Tales, 30, 52
Westermarck, Dr., 156, 284, 286, 368, 371. 372, 373. 374. 376
Wheatley, Henry B. , 460
White colonists and lower races of women, 375
Windisch, Prof., 125, 155
Winternitz, Dr., xxii, 267-288, 290
Wisdom of the Ancients, 18
Witchcraft, 10
Witches' ladder, 390, 394
Wlislocki, Dr. H. von, 296
Wolzogen, H, von, 326, 327
Women of Turkey, 249, 339, 372, 373, 377
Words, primitive, 346
Worm-knot in magic, 391
Wratislaw's Slavonic Folk-Tales, 53, 61
Wright, A. R.. 38
Yama, 334
Yard-land, 351
Yggdrasil, 334
Yurucares of the Andes, 23
Zamfnd^r, 311
Zeus, 332
Zimmer, Prof., 118, 119, 120
Zoonorganic, 367
Zitlu Nursery Tales, 24, 28