Page:Transportation and colonization.djvu/153

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when the rapid increase of their flocks and herds rendered the extension of their estates, by the purchase of additional tracts of waste land from the government, absolutely necessary; these purchases increased with great rapidity, insomuch that the revenue arising exclusively from the sale of Crown land in the territory of New South Wales already amounts to considerably upwards of £100,000 per annum; the following being the extent sold during the last six months before I left the colony, with the prices annexed, as compared with the extent sold during the four previous years:—

From the 1st of January to the 30th of June, 1836.
Number of acres Amount sold for
January 36,960 0 0 £ 12,358 12 9
February 5,027 0 30 2,080 12 3
March 38,872 0 0 13,429 6 1
April 49,395 2 10 15,439 0 1
May 23,728 0 25 7,137 18 3
June 15,951 0 0 4,440 7 6
Total No. of acres 169,933 3 25 £ 54,885 16 11