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allowed the expression, the whole body politic of the colony has at length become completely saturated with intoxicating liquors, and the entire mass of its humours completely corrupted.

The present consumption of ardent spirits in New South Wales, and the progressive increase of consumption during the last ten years, will appear from the following Return of the Quantity of Spirits on which duty has been paid in the colony during that period, with the amount of the duty."

Year. Gallons. Duty.
£. s. d.
1826 149,902½  43,655 12 11
1827 139,085  41,555  0 10
1828 168,328  52,671 18  9
1829 186,114½  61,592 17  8
1830 202,773¾  67,498 18  8
1831 223,900  74,634 11 10
1832 247,295  82,627 16  7
1833 287,782  95,535  4  9
1834 273,841½ 107,955  9  1
1835 291,138 117,161  8 11

The population of the colony at the close of Sir Thomas Brisbane's administration, in October, 1825, was 36,336; and at the end of the year 1835 it was in all likelihood not less than 80,000,