Page:Travels in Mexico and life among the Mexicans.djvu/673

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Highway, old, into Mexico, 581
Hispano-English, 124
Hill, of the Star, 337
that Smokes, 375
of Flowers, 408
of Bells, 549
Holidays, Mexican, 296
Honduras, Gulf of, 40
Honey, fragrant, 64
Honesty of the Yucatecos, 155
Hooper, the typical speculator, 250
Horseback, a trip on, 515
a long ride on, 546
Horse-cars, 265
of Puebla, 507
Horses of Cortes, first in Mexico, 158
Hotel, Iturbide, 253
American, 353
portal, 579
last, in Arizona, 646
Hotel car, across Texas in a, 554
House, of the Prophet, 67
of the Governor, 67
of the Nuns, 67
of the Pigeons, 67
of the Old Woman, 67
of the Dwarf, 67
of the Turtles, 68
Huachuca, 644
Huamantla, 219
Huehuetoca, great canal of, 242
hacienda of, 470
Huejuquilla, town, 626
Huitzilopochtli, 306
Huitzilopochtli, 314
Huitzilopochtli, 331
Huitzo, town of, 520
dialect spoken in, 523
Humboldt in Mexico, 257
on Popocatapetl, 392
Huntington, C. P., 578
Idols, clay, at Mitla, 541
Central American, 600
Immigrants, chances for, 525
Incense, 145
burner, 146
Infernillo, El, 215
Indians, when first seen, 39
of Yucatan, 43
indifference to death, 124
number of, 272
description of some, 273-276
agricultural, not warlike, 530
of Oaxaca, 532
carriers, 400
of Chihuahua, 626
of Sonora, 657
Inquisition, palace of the, 261
Intellectual growth of Mexico, 529
Intervention, the French, 185
Inundation of Mexico City, 241
International Railway, 426
International Railway, 580
International Railway, 584
bridge over Rio Grande, 584
International and Great Northern Railway, 577
Interoceanic Railway, 421
Institute of San Carlos, 329
of Oaxaca, 528
Invasion, the North American, 566
Irrigation, benefits of, 599
Isla Sacrificios, 174
Iturbide, Hotel, 253
Itzaes, people of Yucatan, 95
Itzamal, town of, 102
Itzamna, Itza hero, 102
Itzli, or obsidian, 383
Ixtle, the fibre of a species of agave with smaller leaves than that yielding pulque.
Ixtlilxochitl, learned Indian writer; a prince of Tezcoco
Iztaccihuatl, volcano of, 373
Iztapalapa, 238
Jail, a Mexican, 627
Jalap, 193
Jalapa, 186
gardens, 190
doncellas, 191
Jalapenas, las, 191
Jaral, hacienda of, 575
Jefe politico, a, 121
Jorullo, volcano of, 372
Joy of the Water, 214
Joya, La, valley of, 215
Juarez, Benito, tomb of, 263
Judas, effigies of, 292
Justice, tardy, 568
Kabah, ruins of, 72
Kabah, ruins of, 110
Katunes, or calendar stones, 89
columns of the, 92
Kermes (scarlet grain), 529
Kickapoos, 588
Kingdom of Nuevo Leon, 562
King's fifth (of silver), 450
Kukulkan, 101
La Bord, gardens of, 404
Laborers, wages of, 473
Labna, ruins of, 72
Las Casas, Bishop of Chiapas, 325
Ladrones, 576
Laguna country, 584
La Encantada, 574
La Joya, valley of, 215
La Mitra, 562
La Viga, canal of, 333
Lamp, golden, 503
Lampasos, 561
Land, how held, 506
Land, how held, 525