Page:Travels in Mexico and life among the Mexicans.djvu/674

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Landa's "Relacion," 102
Laredo, Presidio of, 555
town of, 556
climate of, 559
La Silla, 562
Legend, an Indian, 66
Leperos, Mexican beggars, 285
Le Plongeon, Doctor, 77
Le Plongeon, Doctor, 108
Lerma, valley of, 446
Levels, relative, of lakes and Mexico City, 241
Libraries, 257
Libraries, 303
of Puebla, 504
Licor del pais, 518
Licor del pais, 587
Lioba (Mitla), 535
Lisa, a kind of fish, 141
Literature, Mexican, 303
religious, 301
Llanos (plains), 195
Loco, Apache chief, 632
Logwood forests, in the, 126
Logwood forests, in the, 136
Lorencillo, the pirate, 185
Lorillard City, 171
Los Americanos, 615
Los Reyes, mine of, 467
Lovemaking, Mexican, 287
Lower California, 657
Mackay, Lieutenant, 638
Madre Pulque, 344
Magdalena, Sonora, 647
Magistral, mixture of copper pyrites and sulphuret of iron, roasted in a reverbatory furnace.
Maguey, 341
Maguey, 342
Maguey, 343
Maize, indigenous to Mexico.
Malacate, 371
Maltrata, vale of, 216
Marñana (to-morrow), 139
Marñana (to-morrow), 309
Mangroves, 141
Manga de Agua, 545
Manuscript, Aztec, 313
Manuscript, Aztec, 316
Manzana (a sq. measure), 223
Manzanillo, port of, 441
Map, general colored, 21
of Mexican Missions, 300
of Railways, 417
of Mexico, 424
of Puebla and vicinity, 503
of Apache country, 639
Mapilca, ruins of, 191
Maravatio City, 441
Maravatio City, 576
Marble, Mexican, 504
Marco, a, 457
Markets of Mexico City, 327-330
ancient Aztec, 327
of Puebla, 504
of Oaxaca, 526
Marina, mistress of Cortés, 158
Marimba, primitive piano, in use amongst Indians of Southern Mexico, also in Africa.
Mariner (a bird), 139
"Marquis of the Valley," the, 398
"Marquis of the Valley," the, 527
Martinez, Enrique, celebrated Mexican engineer, 241
"Massacre in the Temple," 325
Mastic (pistacia), 136
Maverick, The, (newspaper,) 580
Maximilian, 356
Mayapan, 97-112
Mayas, nation of, 53
Mayas, nation of, 55
a cultured race, 92
genesis of the, 94
language of, 102
Mayoral, el, 149
Mayos, Indians, 653
McComas, Judge, murdered, 630
his son Charley, 630
McManus & Co., 618
Mecate (land measure), 82
Medanos, of Vera Cruz, 174
of Chihuahua, 605
Medico (doctor), a, 149
Medico (doctor), a, 376
Medino, famous Mexican miner, 447
Medio (half a real).
Merida, capital of Yucatan, et seq. 31
markets of, 46
city gates of, 47
inhabitants of, 49
Mesa, the, of Señor Milmo, 561
Mescal (native rum), 346
Meson (hostelry), 364
Mesquit (Aztec Mezquitl)
Mestiza, Mestizo, definition of term, 43
ball, 118
costume, 119
costume, 123
Mestizos, as operatives, 84
number of, in Mexico, 272
origin of, 279
morals of, 281
Metallic mush, 449
Metatl, Indian corn mill.
Meteorological Observatory, 235
Methodist Missions, 298
Methodist Missions, 301
Metlac, barranca of, 210
Mexicalcingo, 336
Mexican, a chapter on the, 271-290
financier, the, 304
paintings, 324
paintings, 326
spurs, 592
the conservative, 614
Mexican Railway, 421-424
map of, 424
Mexican Southern Railroad, 559
Mexico, birdseye view of, 194
transcontinental profile of, 195
Michoacan, coffee of, 209