Page:Travels into several remote nations of the world. In four parts (1726 Volume 1).djvu/43

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About four Hours after we began our Journey, I awaked by a very ridiculous Accident; for the Carriage being ſtopt a while to adjuſt ſomething that was out of order, two or three of the young Natives had the Curioſity to ſee how I looked when I was aſleep; they climbed up into the Engine, and advancing very ſoftly to my Face, one of them, an Officer in the Guards, put the ſharp end of his half-pike a good way up into my left Noſtril, which tickled my Noſe like a Straw, and made me ſneeze violently: Whereupon they ſtole off unperceived, and it was three Weeks before I knew the cauſe of my awaking ſo ſuddenly. We made a long March the remaining part of that Day, and reſted at Night with five hundred Guards on each ſide of me, half with Torches, and half With Bows and Arrows, ready to ſhoot me if I ſhould offer to ſtir. The next Morning at Sun-riſe we continued our March, and arrived within two hundred yards of theCity-