Page:Travels into several remote nations of the world. In four parts (1726 Volume 1).djvu/44

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A Voyage

City-Gates about Noon. The Emperor, and all his Court came out to meet us, but his great Officers would by no means ſuffer his Majeſty to endanger his Perſon by mounting on my Body.

At the Place where the Carriage ſtopt, there ſtood an antient Temple, eſteemed to be the largeſt in the whole Kingdom, which having been polluted ſome Years before by an unnatural Murder, was, according to the Zeal of thoſe People, looked on as prophane, and therefore had been applied to common uſe, and all the Ornaments and Furniture carried away. In this Edifice it was determined I ſhould lodge. The great Gate fronting to the North was about four foot high, and almoſt two foot wide, through which I could eaſily creep. On each ſide of the Gate was a ſmall Window not above ſix Inches from the Ground: into that on the left Side, the Kings Smiths conveyed fourſcore and eleven Chains, like thoſe that hang to a Lady's Watch in Europe,and