Page:Travels into several remote nations of the world. In four parts (1726 Volume 1).djvu/45

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and almoſt as large, which were lock'd to my left Leg with ſix and thirty Padlocks. Over-againſt this Temple, on't'other ſide of the great Highway, at twenty foot diſtance, there was a Turret at leaſt five foot high. Here the Emperor aſcended with many principal Lords of his Court, to have an opportunity of viewing me, as I was told, for I could not ſee them. It was reckoned that above an hundred thouſand Inhabitants came out of the Town upon the ſame Errand; and in ſpight of my Guards, I believe there could not be fewer than ten thouſand, at ſeveral times, who mounted upon my Body by the help of Ladders. But a Proclamation was ſoon iſſued to forbid it upon pain of Death. When the Workmen found it was impoſſible for me to break looſe, they cut all the Strings that bound me; whereupon I roſe up with as melancholy a Diſpoſition as ever I had in my Life. But the noiſe and aſtoniſhment of the People at ſeeing me riſe and walk, are not to be expreſſed. The Chains that held myleft