Page:Trivia (John Gay) to which is added London (Samuel Johnson) (1809).djvu/21

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Let Persian dames th' umbrella's ribs display,
To guard their beauties from the sunny ray;
Or sweating slaves support the shady load,215
When eastern monarchs show their state abroad;
Britain in winter only knows its aid,
To guard from chilly show'rs the walking maid.—
But, oh! forget not, muse, the patten's praise!
That female implement shall grace thy lays:220
Say, from what art divine th' invention came,
And from its origin deduce the name.
Where Lincoln wide extends her fenny soil,
A goodly yeoman liv'd, grown white with toil;
One only daughter blest his nuptial bed,225
Who from her infant hand the poultry fed:
Martha (her careful mother's name) she bore;
But now her careful mother was no more.
Whilst on her father's knee the damsel play'd,
Patty he fondly called the smiling maid:230
As years increased, her ruddy beauty grew,
And Patty's fame o'er all the village flew.
Soon as the grey-ey'd morning streaks the skies,
And in the doubtful day the woodcock flies,