Page:Trivia (John Gay) to which is added London (Samuel Johnson) (1809).djvu/22

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Her cleanly pail the pretty housewife bears,235
And, singing, to the distant field repairs:
And when the plains with ev'ning dews are spread,
The milky burthen smokes upon her head;
Deep through a miry lane she pick'd her way,
Above her ancle rose the chalky clay.240
Vulcan by chance the bloomy maiden spies,
With innocence and beauty in her eyes:
He saw, he lov'd; for yet he ne'er had known
Sweet innocence and beauty meet in one.
Ah, Mulciber! recall thy nuptial vows—245
Think on the graces of thy Paphian spouse!
Think how her eyes dart inexhausted charms!
And can'st thou leave her bed for Patty's arms?
The Lemnian Pow'r forsakes the realms above,
His bosom glowing with terrestrial love.250
Far in the lane a lonely hut he found;
No tenant ventur'd on th' unwholesome ground.
Here smokes his forge; he bares his sinewy arm,
And early strokes the sounding anvil warm:
Around his shop the steely sparkles flew,255
As for the steed he shap'd the bending shoe.