horrors they had gone through, they were exposed to all the inclemency of the weather, during nearly forty-eight hours, almost in a state of nudity. Immediately on their arrival, several ladies hastened to send them the clothing which they so much wanted. The family of Sir Anthony Perrier also hurried to the assistance of their distressed countrywoman, and with their ordinary humanity had the two ladies and their child removed to their house. One of the ladies—Mrs Eleanor Roper M'Clinnon—is severely burnt. During the whole of the period between the alarm of fire and the time she left the ship she clung with maternal devotion to her child (a boy eighteen months old), and, when so many others perished, contrived to save the lives of both. Her husband, who was in the employment of the Government at Demerara, was also in the vessel ; but her companions in misfortune declared that they thought he was blown up in the steamer when the magazine blew rip. The other lady passenger, Miss Anna Maria Smith, from Dublin, on her way to Porto Rico, to join a family in which she was to be the governess. The male passengers are all lodged at an hotel here, by directions of the Vice Consul. They are also completely destitute, both of money and clothing, but have been amply provided with shoes, hats, and wearing apparel, by the Vice Consul, who has also secured means to convey them with the least possible delay to Morlaix, where they will be shipped for England.
I have only to add that Captain Tuntcler, of the Gertruida, has acted with most praisworthy humanity. He not only placed everything that was on board his vessel at the disposal of our shipwrecked countrymen, but had gone out of his track to carry them to the nearest harbour.
The following is a list of the persons saved in the two boats rescued by the Gertruida, and landed at Brest:—
first boat.
Frederick Glennie, passenger.
Bernardo Barrincose, ditto.
Jacob Allan, foreman at Mr Seaward's
John Lament, fireman.
William Stone, ditto.