Page:True and correct narrative of the dreadful burning of the steam-ship Amazon.pdf/12

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Henry Carter, fireman.
Charles Samy, ditto.
George Harding, ditto.
George Lucah, ditto.
Jamest Rodgers, seaman.
James Berryman, ditto.
Frederick Wall, sailor boy.
Michael Gould, second Stewart.

second boat.

Anna Maria Smyth, passenger.
William Evans, ditto.
Jean Strybos, ditto.
George Deal, quartermaster.
Alex Laing, quartermaster.
Daniel Brown, seaman.
Joseph Welsman, ditto.

Thomas Attwood, firemon.

Ye landsmen all draw near awhile, and listen unto me,
While I relate the mournful wreck that happened on the sea ;
The loss of the steam-ship Amazon, whose fate we now deplore.
When sailing on the ocean, bound for Columbia shore.

On the second day of January eighteen hundred and fifty-two.
They left Southampton harbour with passengers and crew.
They numbered 156, whose hearts beat light and free,
No fear or dread their minds o’erspread, in crossing o’er the sea.

No incident occured as they ploughed the raging tide,
Till one o’clock on Sunday morn, when fire it was espied.
It came rushing o’er the hatch-way from the funnels foreside,
And every exertion to quell the flames was tried.

But eh, alas, exertions they proved all in vain,
Consider now their sad distress upon the open main,
The Captain cries, our ship is gone, although a man so brave,
Come low’er the boats, my brave boys, the people’s lives to save.

To lower the boats immediately began his men so brave,
The mail boat it was soon let down, some of their lives to save;
Alas ! it was soon swamped, and many there did weep.
It sank beneath the briny tide, and was buried in the deep.

The flames were still increasing,—distressing was the scene,—
And to fly from the destruction, all efforts proved in vain;
Their cries were like to rend the air, but nothing could them save;
One hundred and thirty-five of them met with a watery grave.

But now unto these mouurful lines, I now must bid adieu.
We understand no blame is given to the Captain or his crew;
May kind Heaven be the comforter of those that now do weep,
For all their dear relations that now lie in the deep.